Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Golden Cross

Greek orthodox church , Santa Barbara CA.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Daily dose of Clouds..

San Ynez, wine country.
This is where some of the best Californian Pino Noirs come from.
I am sure that golden eagle had a better view than I. But oh well, I didn't have wings...

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere

If you enjoy works of art by Gustav Klimt and Renior like me, you should plan to see this museum/ palace, it is fantastic...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pain of migration…

Sometimes I do feel nostalgia when I think about what I have missed in life… like:
Never seeing the wedding of the only brother nor any of the cousins nor all the best friends in Iran. And those are the people we shared our dreams and young hood with.
Never being there for their first baby, never attending their birth days and never seeing their first day of the schools!
When calling them, their kids don’t recognize me, and pass the phone to their dads.
Never seeing the passing of grand parents or dad… and that’s painful.

Sometimes I wonder if pursuit of my dream… was worth it!? Or was it just a mirage that mesmerized me away from what was real around me.
These days, as I drift in the sea of life events, in my wrecked boat. I wonder some times, if I were more content and not a dreamer, I would not miss all those events!

I often ask myself. What would be better? Living for our dreams or for our memories and heritage?! If I had stayed, for sure, I would not have experience the world and reach my dreams …
They say “every one to reach his own”…Mine changes all the time like a schizophrenic mania I don’t know what is it and where is it anymore?…
What if we want both?

Unfortunately, life does not give the chance of having both to just about everyone, particularly to those who happen to be part of the “Lost generations”. (Ex: in current Iranian history consists of those who are between 25-55 years of age)

Then I keep telling myself, at least let’s conquer one of them in life… and give our children the opportunity to have both…

Friday, September 15, 2006

I wonder...

I keep wondering;
How many sunny summer days this face had seen?! How many winter storms it has survived. How much sand and dust brushed off this face?
In that moment when his creator was pounding the hammer on that cold stone; what was he thinking about?! Did he think that some day two and half millennia ahead thousand and thousands of people will come to seen this face? And someday I would take a picture of it to post on the web?!

Whose face was that anyway? Was it depiction of someone real, like you and me, in his own time?
How many faces have seen this face, then passed on and were forgotten? How many more will have the same fate, while he will still be there…
I wonder and I wonder...

Perspeolis, 2002

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Golden Roof

Innsbruck, Austria built in 1500.
It was decorated with almost 3000 gold -plated copper tiles for Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor.
October 2003

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Seaport Village San Diego, CA
And my usual fascination with the clouds...