Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Her Job!

Place de la Riponne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Lausanne, August 1993, It was a round 4:30 pm near Palais de Rumine in place de la Riponne. I was keeping my mind busy taking snapshots of different monuments and buildings. That was my escape from Blue-Gray moods that were hunting me almost every day.
I had my camera on the tripod and looking for a good angle to take shot of Notre-Dame Cathedral. Then, I noticed a middle aged woman “running” toward me!
She stopped and asked while smiling:
“What are you doing?”
“Just taking a picture of this church. I think this is a nice angel” I said, in my heavily accented French.
“I have taken a picture from exact same angel as you are and it turned out very well”, she said.
“By the way what are you doing here in Lausanne?” She asked.
“Studying French”, I replied
“What do you want to study after?”
“Genetics… if I can”, I said
“Nice, you will…”she smiled
“But it is not easy”, I said.
“S'il y a volonté d'a il y a une manière” she said (If there is a will there is a way).
I said, "that is right….but…”
She interrupted me … "No, you need to say it ...Vouloir, c'est pouvoir”.
So I said “Vouloir, c'est pouvoir”.
She said “No! Say it so everyone in the square can hear you….!”
I was shy and thought what the bleep!!!!!….
But, she insisted.
Finally I shouted out “Vouloir, c'est pouvoir”.
She smiled and said “My job is done here, good bye and good luck now …”
Then she ran away and disappeared in the crowd and the place de la Riponne.
The whole thing took 5 minutes or less. I stood there in the state of confusion then took some photos and left.
This memory stayed with me to this day. She did her job well whoever she was!?

I wrote this, to her memory.

1 comment:

Chakameh Azimpour said...

Azizi. Write the traslation of :Vouloir, c'et povoir". May be one of your visitors doesn't speak French :-**